Mar 11, 2013

Super Woman!

A few months ago Felisha and I had a discussion about a need for Felisha to get out and do something fun for herself. I imagined that being trapped in the house with 4 or 5 kids everyday plus the other tasks of being a mother and a wife could be a little wearing. One thing that interested her was voice lessons. She always loved singing but never had any kind of singing experience other than around the house like most of us. Soon after this discussion I had a client who I knew had experience with teaching voice. I asked her if she still taught and she did. Soon after Felisha was signed up and ready to start. Soon after she started the Raymond Playhouse Society announced that they were going to do the production of Big River. Being that there was a major need to African American actors and singers Felisha's teacher encouraged her to audition. At first Felisha was not too sure. She got encouragement from a few more people and decided there was nothing to loose. Sure enough a few weeks later she was auditioning... and she got a part. From my understanding she has a pretty big roll as one of the singers in the "Slave Choir" among other small parts. I wont know exactly the roll she has until I see the play for myself. I know she has some solo parts too. I'm getting really excited to see her perform. I know that when Felisha sets her mind on something she goes for it full speed and excels. This is something totally new for her and it just makes me that much more excited to see her doing something new!
In the process of working on the play her teacher encouraged her to do more. For the past few weeks shes been practising to sing in the Lethbridge Kiwanis Music Festival. She will have judges give her feedback and everything. As I write this she is on her way to perform there. I would like to be there but I am home with the boys and Felisha said she would be more nervous if I was there. I will be going to the play whether she likes it or not.
I'm so proud of Felisha for trying something new and really putting a lot of time and effort into it. She is a very hard working lady. She is an amazing wife to me and mother to our 2 sons. She runs a small day home and watches 3-4 other kids during the day. She is a Scentsy consultant She got her first recruit today, and more to come! On top of all this she has church callings and responsibilities. I don't know how she does it all, she must be Super Woman!

Mar 1, 2013

Keiston is growing up!

Do you see that face?? we are super lucky to have this boy!!!

Our little Knight isn't a baby anymore. This boggles my mind. He still looks like a baby to me. I guess some might argue that he still is a baby but he is well at the beginning stages of toddlerhood. I'm so amazed how much he has thrived within a year of life.

Keiston is most definitely a charmer. Once he cocks his head off to the side and bats those brown eyes you don't stand a chance. So sweet and loving. Gives kisses and hugs if you ask.

The boy will not sit still. A speedy one might I add. Already running after kids and wanting to be included in any fun. He's always set his own paste when he started:
-crawling at 4 1/2months
-cruising at 7 months.
-walking by 11 months

Major milestones were hit early by this boy.
He really loves to dance. Once I turn on
Dance Central on xbox he gets this big grin like he knows what time it is and then he's dropping it low! Ha, it must run in his blood or something.
Can sign, more, all done, up and down,
Food is his true love. The boy can eat and will eat almost anything! He can pretty much out eat his brother.
Not a very good sleeper. Takes very short naps and wakes in the middle of the night but we are currently switching him to share a room with khyrum so hopefully he sleeps better away from us but I kinda feel bad for khyrum ha! we'll see how that goes.

If you couldn't tell already, we are so proud to have an amazing boy! He fits perfectly in our male-dominant home and we are full of thanks to have been given him.
-Felisha & Tate