Felishas due date according to the ultrasound was February 26 and according to the Dr. was March 4. She had been thinking that the baby would come sooner because of the adjusting her body was going through. We were hopeing that he would come around the 18th of February or soon after because the following week kids here were out of school so some of the kids Felisha baby sits would be able to be home with siblings and others she would not have to worry about taking them to school they could just be in the house.
Sunday the 19th we went over to my parents for dinner, came home put Khyrum to bed, then spent some time together watching a movie before bed. Around 2:30 Felisha woke me from my sleep because she was having some pains. she stayed in bed trying to get some sleep but the pains kept coming back. around 3:30 we realized the baby would soon be coming.
We started timing the contractions. The next 2 were 5 minutes apart then they started getting closer and closer. Felisha decided to get in the shower to detensify the pain. When she was done she was hoping to get back in bed and get some sleep. When she was about to leave the bathroom her water broke.
We decided to call the hospital and tell them what was happening and they could prepare for us to get there. it was 4:43 AM when we called. The nurse said come now! Of course Felisha had to grab her earings before she left and then went to see Khyrum in bed one more time before the baby came, and I took the baby monitor next door to my brother so he could listen for Khyrum.
We got to the Hospital at 5 AM and started checking in. Felisha started another contraction and told the nurse she feels like she has to push. The nurse left the paper work and took Felisha to the room, got her a robe, and told her to change and then get in the bed, and then she left for a minute to call the dr and get stuff ready. Felisha started another intense contraction before she could get in the bed. The nurse came in and helped her in the bed so she could check her dialation. The babies head was almost out at this point so the nurse said "okay your going to push next contraction." A couple deathly screams and a push and there was the new baby. Born at 5:14 AM just 14 minutes after arriving at the hospital. The nurses asked if baby had a name. We said,"Yes, Keiston Knight" (Felisha has names picked for all our kids and more). I cut the ambilical cord and they moved the baby to the table then the dr walked in. about a minute too late. he made it there pretty fast, but not fast enough.
We were so delited that he came when he did. Perfect timing! He looks identical to Khyrum when he was born. He weighed 7lb 5oz. and for some reason we never got his length. Felisha will call tomorrow and find that out.
At 7 AM Felisha had me run home for a couple things and to wait for Khyrum to wake up. Soon after I got home Khyrum woke. He started asking for mom and i told him mom was at the hospital with the new baby and we would go see them soon. he started walking around saying "mom, hopital (hospital), baby. I took him up to the hospital and he was so happy to see the new baby. right away he climbed on moms bed to be closer to the baby and asking to hold him. Khyrum just loves Keiston to death. He cant get enough of him. Hes always rubbing his head or giving him kisses and when Keiston crys, Khyrum tells mom to feed him! We are so blessed to have these little boys in our lives, we love them to death, and are so excited for the journey ahead!