How wonderful it is to have a husband, who is also the father of my child. The joy this man brings to mine and Khyrum's life, its hard to find words to describe.
There are a few characteristics I would love to point out though:
He is hardworking- Anyone that knows Tate knows that he takes his work very seriously. He is not a lazy person. He will do what he has to do to provide and maintain. I once asked him what his hobbies were even though I knew the answer (Soccer and Hockey), but the answer he gave me was WORK.
He is very considerate- Always wanting to know what the next person thinks or will do anything to make others happy, even if he is left out. This is one of the reasons I fell for him. He is a total gentleman. Chivalry is not dead because of him.
Gentle and kind- He barely raises his voice and he is such a sweetheart to Khyrum and me.
Smart- To me he is very smart. He would beg to differ, but I ain't having it. Come on, I mean he looks like a nerd, so he must be... right? :s
All in all, I am so blessed. I couldn't ask for a better partner in crime. I only wish that others could be blessed the way I am.